Natural Look

Natural Look Cool Feet Softening Soak 1 Litre


This invigorating soak cleanses and rejuvenates the feet while providing a cooling effect from the natural essential oils. As the feet soak, the skin becomes softer and eliminates bacteria, creating a refreshing scent. It contains natural essential oils such as tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, and chamomile to provide a soothing and refreshing experience.

Key Features:

  • A foaming softening soak for the feet.
  • Cleanses from the heel to the toe.
  • Creates a cooling sensation on the skin.
  • Softens and soothes during the soaking process.
  • Removes bacteria without fuss.
  • Enjoy the deodorising effects.
  • Infused with plenty of different essential oils.
  • Experience tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender and chamomile.

Add 1-2 capfuls of Natural Look Cool Feet Softening Soak to a foot bath filled with warm water. Mix until you create a soft foam, and soak the feet for 5-15 minutes.

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